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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kenya Forest Service Consultancy Services for Preparation of Project Implementation Manual (PIM)

Kenya Forest Service Consultancy Services for Preparation of Project Implementation Manual (PIM)
Specific Procurement Notice
Support to Community Based Farm Forestry Enterprises Project
Grant No. TF093520-KE
Tender Ref No. KFS/SCBFFE/02/2010-2011
Expression of Interest (EOI): Consultancy Services For Preparation of Project Implementation Manual (PIM)
The Government of Kenya has received a grant from Japan under the Japanese Social Development Fund (JSDF) which is administered by the International Development Association (IDA) (World Bank) towards the implementation of Support to Community Based Farm Forestry Enterprises project (SCBFFE) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for Consultancy Services in preparation of SCBFFE Project Implementation Manual (PIM).
The Kenya Forest Service invites eligible and qualified consultants to indicate their interest in providing their services in the preparation of the SCBFFE Project Implementation Manual (PIM) outlining the procedural, technical, organizational, financial and administrative practices of project implementation including Monitoring and Evaluation.
The PIM will establish the standard rules and procedures that will ensure the efficient and effective project implementation.
Specific tasks

    * Review the project document and proposed implementation modalities
    * Review the adequacy of the proposed institutional arrangements for the project implementation
    * Identify implementation modalities that are consistent with Government of Kenya or World Bank requirements,
    * Propose operations/activities that require stand alone standard operating procedures (SOPs)
    * Prepare draft SOPs for identified areas
    * Carry out the training needs assessment of the staff and Network officials and incorporate a training manual in the project implementation plan.
    * Review existing rules, regulations and procedures of both World Bank and the Government of Kenya for the implementation of the project.
    * Prepare a list of existing regulations that are relevant to the project
    * Conduct consultation with relevant officers in KFS, the Japanese Government, the World Bank and other stakeholders on the preparation of the PIM
    * Organize a workshop for the project key implementation staff.
    * Organize a stakeholders workshop to discuss and input to the draft report
    * Prepare a project implementation manual in accordance with best practices elaborating on the procedural, technical, organizational, financial and administrative practices of project implementation including the process for participatory Monitoring and Evaluation.
    * Clearly show how they intend to carry out the various tasks and the steps indicating timelines in each step and budget.

The expression of Interest must be accompanied by the following mandatory requirements:

    * Consultant Profile and detailed Curriculum Vitae.
    * Proven experience of at least ten (10) years in project implementation cycles and project implementation management.
    * Ability to collect and synthesize data.
    * Ability to prepare quality reports
    * An interpretation of the task by the consultant
    * A knowledge of World Bank guidelines and procedures will be an asset

A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employments of Consultants by World Bank’s Borrowers; May 2004 revised on October 1, 2006. The selection method for the Consultants will be on the basis of Quality and Cost Based selection. The shortlisted consultant will be invited through a letter of invitation.
The EOI clearly marked “KFS/SCBFFE/02/2010-2011 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR PREPARATION OF PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL.” Do not open before 12.00 noon 3rd August 2010” should be addressed to
Kenya Forest Service Headquarters
Karura, Off Kiambu Road,
Tel No. +254-20-2121042
Fax No. +254-20-8010745
The documents should be placed in the tender box located at the main reception area by 12.00 noon on or before 28th July 2010. Tenders submitted later than the indicated closing date and time shall automatically be disqualified.
Interests Opening will take place immediately on the same date in the same building in the Main Boardroom. Tenderers or their representatives who wish to attend are invited to witness the opening.
Kenya Forest Service reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders either in whole or in part and is not bound to give reasons thereof.
D K Mbugua

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