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Monday, December 6, 2010

2011 Career Resolutions & Goals

2011 Career Resolutions & Goals
Today is December 6th, just some 25 days to the end of 2010 and beginning of 2011.

How do you want 2011 to be in terms of your career progression? What career resolutions and goals are there in place for the year 2011. In short, what are your goals and career resolutions come the new year?

As an employee you are great when it comes to making the organizations goals and strategies but what about yours? Accountants will come up with very nice budgets whereas they don’t have one for their salaries.

If its the sales workforce,many will come up with strategies on how to bring more money to the company and yet few will have determined the steps to make in order to sell themselves better.

Some career resolutions to make come the new year include.

1. I will spend less time in bars and with friends and instead enroll for class even if it’s for a certificate course. What i have learnt is that time is very very short. I will stop procrastinating.

2. I will join a professional organization/club or society. Over 60% of Kenyan jobs are never advertised and i need to know of these jobs.

3. I will stop complaining on my poor pay,boss, friends etc and do something about it. I realize i am an adult of sound mind and will stop whining and instead think of solutions to my problems.

4. I will stop relying only on Fridays Daily Nation to look for a job. I will develop strong ties with my friends, join a club, become active in church, look for recruiters e.t.c I need to widen my contacts base.

5. I will invest in my career growth by attending seminars and buying books. I now know that there is nothing for free and i am prepared to pay for value.

6. I will always have a plan B in my career/life. My company can go down tomorrow. My salary will not only be for entertaining friends through endless partying and buying clothes and shoes. I resolve to save at least 20% of my salary for the rainy day.

7. I will learn to be patient and not to be easily disappointed. I know looking for another job is a job by itself. I will learn to accept my friends, co-workers, boss etc.
8. I will not be jealous of my friends success. In any case i don’t know what they do at night after work. I will live within my means and move at my own pace.

9. I will learn from my 2010 mistake. Whether it was from job loss,Romance,investing, friendship etc.

10.  Add yours here

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