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Friday, January 28, 2011

All About Job Security.

All About Job Security.
Do you have job security? How can you be sure? What exactly is job security?

You’ve probably heard that the most secure job in any company is that of the HR Manager because they have to be around at least long enough to fire everyone else. Well, whether that is true or not, I do know that a lot of people spend a lot of time worrying about job security.

Yet, even with a lot of worry and effort to find just the right job, rarely do we have control over our jobs to the point that we can really feel secure that we will be able to do tomorrow what we are doing today.
So what is job security?
A simple search on the Internet and you’ll find many definitions of job security. One site says it is the assurance that we have about the continuity of gainful employment.

Another gives a list of dependencies for job security. Some of those are: the economy, prevailing business conditions and a person’s skills. Some also state that government jobs are more secure than others.

It’s almost laughable really because if you look deep enough, you will find that basically every business, economic, social and personal factor that could ever come into play, can have an affect on your job security. Well, if you ask me, that doesn’t sound very secure. So what do you do? How can you find real job security? Or can you?

Well I believe we can and it really doesn’t matter where you work or who you work for. IT doesn’t matter if the economy is good or bad or where you’re located or even your skill level. To find real job security, you just have to be able to answer one question: What would you do tomorrow, if you lost your job today?

If you are like most people, the thought of losing your job freaks you out just a little bit (or a lot). You aren’t sure what you would do. All you know for sure is that you have bills to pay, food to buy and a people to take care of it. In other words you don’t have a plan.

Real job security comes from having a plan in place and ready for when that day comes that your job goes away. To begin building your plan, answer the following questions:

How long can I live without a job? - To live without a job, you need to have some money set back, an emergency fund if you will. Do you have one?

What are my strengths and Weaknesses? – Do you know what you are good at? Maybe you are an accountant right now but do you have any other transferable skills that you could take to a different job?

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