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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pediatric, Social Worker Jobs Kenya.

Pediatric, Social Worker Jobs Kenya.
The Lutheran World Federation/Department for World Service Kenya/Djibouti Programme is seeking to recruit a Kenyan national for the following position, to be based at Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya.

Pediatric Counselor

Reporting directly to the Senior Community Services & Development Officer,

Duties and Responsibilities

* Providing direct counseling Services for children identified/referred by BID and other partners.
* Build the capacity of both national and refugee staff to perform duties in the social and protection aspects for children* Monitoring and evaluation activities as well as provide leadership and guidance to the Child Development Workers.
* Manage/maintain documentation and records of psychosocial support cases for purposes of follow up and referral.
* Collaborate with other sectors and IPs in order to ensure smooth implementation and coordination of activities.


* Must possess a degree in counseling and/social work (sciences) with a strong bias towards counseling and social work.
* A minimum of 2 years work experience in child protection, care and development in an NGO
* Knowledge of Child Protection and HIV/AIDs issues in the Kenyan context,
* Knowledge of international and national legislation and policies on child protection.
* Ability to tolerate cultural, educational and religious diversity in the work place.
* Excellent communication, organization and presentation skills

Reception Centre Social Worker
The incumbent will report directly to the Senior Community Services & Development Officer

Duties and Responsibilities

* Report regularly on rate of flow of new arrivals and estimates expected influx based on interviews with refugees;
* Conduct psychosocial vulnerability assessments of new arrivals and asylum seekers.
* Conduct referrals of identified vulnerable individuals to other partners/agencies for specialized support.
* Oversee the distribution of non food items to new asylum seekers and identified vulnerable community members.
* Ensure proper documentation of refugee records
* Enhance and promote coordination and networking with other implementing partners and donors.


* Minimum of Diploma in Social Work, Community Development, Psychosocial Counseling
* At least, two years experience in conducting vulnerability assessments and psychosocial case management
* Excellent drafting, interviewing, computer and organizational skills
* Proven ability to work in a multi-cultural environment;
* Fluency in English and Kiswahili
* Experience in the production of monitoring reports.

LWF/DWS is an equal opportunity employer, irrespective of gender, race or religious affiliation.

Female candidates are encouraged to apply.

Applications and detailed CV must include email address and telephone contacts of 3 referees, one of whom must be your supervisor in your current/former employment.

They should reach the undersigned by close of business on 16th March, 2011:
C/o Human Resources Officer,
P.O. Box 40870, GPO-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya

or P O Box 48 Kakuma

or e-mail to: hr-kak@lwfkenya.org

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