Mid Term Evaluation Consultancy, Kenya
Mid Term Evaluation Consultancy
European Committee for Agricultural Training (CEFA)
CEFA is an Italian NGO CEFA's goal is that everyone everywhere in the world can become a protagonist of development and an active agent of democracy and peace. CEFA focuses mainly on the agriculture and water sector.
Closing date: 22 Oct 2010
Location: Kenya
Homabay, Homabay, Ndhiwa and Rachuonyo Districts
CEFA in partnership with C-MAD received support from the European Union to implement a project called “Strengthening product value chain of agro business enterprises in South Nyanza”. The project aims at strengthening the product value chain of agro business enterprises and farmers in South Nyanza with particular focus on 3 commodities i.e. groundnuts, sweet potato and beekeeping. The project is assessing the possibility to deal with Sesame as well. Through this, the project seeks to improve the livelihood of smallholder farmers by strengthening and linking them to markets and other actors along each enterprise chain. Key outputs of the project include enhancing the skills of smallholder farmers and other chain actors and increasing the production and marketing of value added products.
The Overall objective of the project is to contribute to poverty reduction among communities in under-served rural areas in southwest Kenya. The specific objective of the project is that the rural poor in Rachuonyo and Homabay districts benefit from improved smallholder agriculture. Three key results are envisaged namely:
* Knowledge and skills strengthened for the actors and stakeholders along the groundnut, sweet potato and honey market chains
* Value chain based partnership relations are formalized and documented between actors and stakeholders along the ground nut, sweet potato and honey chain by action end
* Market access, product marketing & processing are improved
To achieve this, the project has been implemented using the following key approaches:
* Products value chain approach
The Project has undertaken during the initial stage a market assessment along the 3 enterprise chains to map the different actors operating along the chains, collect prices and demand of products and assessed competitors in neighborhood counties such as Uganda and Tanzania. The Project is linking now the farmers with the key actors operating along the chain.
* Common interest groups approach
The project adopts the Common Interest Group (CIG) approach. Beneficiaries has been identified and clustered into CIGs. A MoU between the project and the CIGs has been signed.
* GS&L (Group Savings and Loans)
One of the main challenges affecting the farmers is typically the input supply problems. This is largely as a result of difficulty in accessing business capital. The communities need to develop a culture and practice of saving and taking loans and this can be best built by mobilizing group savings and borrowing. The groups targeted comprise mainly the farmers.
* Training on Good Agronomic Practices for groundnut and sweet potato and modern beekeeping techniques for Beekeeping.
Strengthening of Marketing Committees (MCs). A series of capacity building training on group dynamics and group management, record keeping, revolving funds management, marketing and market information have been implemented.
The MCs have been formed by the Project at cluster level (a cluster of a village) with the main function to represent all the CIGs within that area for collective marketing and purchase purposes. The MCs are expected to be the negotiation body during the business meetings linking the farmers with other actors, monitor the return of groundnut seeds given to some members, provide training to members and act on behalf of the groups during input purchases, bulk marketing etc. The project plans to strengthen the MCs through proper capacity building to enable them to implement effectively their tasks (representation of CIGs, negotiate deals with buyer, buy inputs on behalf of members) and, in the future, to manage properly the revolving funds.
* Seed given to Marketing Committees (MCs) on credit through institution of a revolving fund scheme.
The project distributed improved seed varieties of groundnuts to the farmer beneficiaries (grouped into CIGs) on credit during the last planting season in March-April 2010. The amount spent for each beneficiary will be returned at the end of next harvest time (December 2010). A pass on system was used to reach the farmers that didn't manage to receive the seed on the first round. This exercise might also be extended in the future to sesame seeds. The funds received will constitute a revolving fund that will be utilized on the following seasons to continue helping farmers access their inputs.
* Business Development Support Services
To further develop the enterprises and strengthen the entrepreneurial skills a Business Development Service Centre (BDSC) has been established in Homabay within the Project Office premises. This is supposed to act as a business incubator for existing and new enterprises. It offers consultancy services and training on areas of Business Management, Financial Management, Assessment and development of business ideas. A fee is charged for the services provided.
This mid-term evaluation main aim is to assess the projects progress and achievements with reference to the project proposal and log frame/revised log frame and to determine the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness but more particularly the impact and sustainability of the implementation methodologies and the projects internal procedures.
Based on the assessment, recommendations shall be formulated on how the project can strengthen its approaches and operations to achieve the formulated results and ensure its impact.
* Based on the project proposal, original logframe and revised logframe the consultant will assess the project's progress and achievements using participatory methods.
* The consultant will also look at the specific issues the Project faces in terms of the operating environment placing this into context alongside other aid interventions in the District.
* Consideration should also be given to the planned Project's exit strategy for the project.
* If required, a proposed new logical framework should be reviewed together with the project personnel.
The Consultant/Evaluator will be required to assess in particular the following:
* Review the appropriateness of project objectives to the problems it was supposed to address taking into account the political situation evolution and the link between relief, rehabilitation and development approach.
* Review the quality of the project design.
* Assess the methodologies selected to induce sustainable change, particularly in regard to establishment of project's relationships with key actors and the selection of projects to be undertaken.
* Assess the internal management of the project, including day to day planning and management as well as internal mechanisms and relations in regard to Head Quarters and regional office functions.
* Assess how inputs and means have been converted into activities and the quality of the results achieved.
* Analyze the efficiency of the project implementation and monitoring at result level using the indicators of the original log frame/revised log frame and the proposed timetable.
* Assess the level of collaboration with other agencies and the various project stakeholders.
* Assess the quality of training modules
* Assess the major achievements of the project to date in relation to its stated objectives and intended results
* Assess whether planned benefits have been delivered and received as perceived by collaborating partners and target groups and will contribute towards the intended purpose.
* Analyze particularly the capacity building component and effectiveness of the support given to the Marketing Commitees and CIGs.
* Analyze the appropriateness and feasibility of the BDSC.
* Assess the quality of operational work planning, budgeting and risk management.
* Assess the quality of reporting.
* Check if the assumptions were correct and if not how this has affected the project achievements.
* Describe any major drawbacks of the project to date, explaining why they have occurred.
* Within the capacity of the project, analyze the project contribution to the wider sector especially in terms of improvement of livelihood.
* Evaluate the stakeholder participation in the management/implementation of the project.
* Measure the level of local ownership.
* Assess the financial viability and of the project and the level of replication possibility
* Assess to which level sustainability has been considered in planning and execution of activities particularly in respect to institutions, formal and non-formal, as well as technical and cross cutting issues.
* Check the existence of an appropriate exit strategy
* Identify multiplier and spillover effects.
Cross-cutting issues:
* A particular attention will be given to gender and environmental (if any) mainstreaming issues in the project.
The consultant is expected to conduct a thorough assessment of relevant project documentation and products as well as of internal management practices. Interviews with key project personnel and collaborators should be conducted as well as with key stakeholders and beneficiaries using participatory methods.
The review should be in line with the EC evaluation guidelines and principles and tools of Project Cycle Management (PCM).
The consultant will be required to provide an evaluation report as detailed in Section 9.
The consultant for his/her reference will be provided with the following documents:
* Project Proposal
* Original and Revised Logframe
* First narrative and financial report to EU
* Annual Operational Plan
* Internal administrative guidelines
* Baseline survey report.
* Relevant communication with donor particularly for budget amendments.
For quick overview only:
* Training modules
* Market Assessment Reports
* Format for BDSC
The consultant will carry out a desk work during the initial and final phases at the consultant's work place. Field visit will occur in the project area i.e. Western Kenya, South Nyanza, Districts of Homabay, Ndhiwa and Rachonyo.
Review of documents (before field visit) 2 days
Field Visits in the Project area 9 days
Preparation of draft report 5 days
A period of 7 days will be given to the contractor (client)
to give feedback on the draft report
Client comments integrated and final report writing 1 days
Total 17 days
The specialist will have to arrange for his own insurance. Fee should include all expenses including transport to the site and daily running expenses.
The Consultant will have to arrange for his own insurance. Fee quotation should include all expenses including transport to the site and daily running expenses.
Reports shall be submitted in English language to CEFA Project Coordinator as follows;
* Draft reports: Within ten days of the end of the assignment through e.mail in MS Word format.
* Final report: Within 5 days after having received comments from client in regards to the draft report per e-mail to Project Coordinator and EU Delegation representatives in MS Word format.
The report format should be as follows:
Cover page and second page
* Title of the evaluation report;
* Date of the evaluation;
* Name of the consultant;
* Indication that “The report has been produced at the request of and financed by CEFA and the European Commission. The comments contained herein reflect the opinions of the consultant only”.
Table of contents
Executive summary
2.1 Methods and approaches used
2.2 Itinerary followed
2.2 Limitations of the report
4.1. Project relevance
4.2. Project logical framework analysis
4.3. Project efficiency
4.4. Project effectiveness
4.5 Impact
4.6 Sustainability
Executive Summary
A succinct, to the point and free-standing Executive Summary is an essential component. It should be short, no more than one or two pages. It should focus on the key purpose or issues of the evaluation, outline the main points of the analysis, and clearly indicate the main conclusions, lessons learned and specific recommendations.
Main body of the report
The main body of the report shall elaborate the points listed in the Executive Summary. It will include references to the methodology used for the evaluation and the context of the action. In particular, for each key aspect (Relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability) there should be a corresponding section. Recommendations should be as realistic, operationally sound and pragmatic as possible; that is, they should take careful account of the circumstances currently prevailing in the context of the action, and of the resources available to implement it locally.
One expert is required. The consultant must provide a Curriculum vita specifying his qualifications and experience.
The Consultant conducting the evaluation should have the following qualifications
* University degree in one or several agricultural disciplines: agricultural economics/agribusiness/marketing/rural development or related fields;
* At least 10 years of professional experience in developing countries;
* Experience in Business Development Services (BDS) and Value Chain Analysis approaches would be an advantage;
* Good knowledge of capacity building programmes for organisations, communities;
* A strong understanding of participatory methodologies;
* Demonstrated experience in evaluation missions;
* Experience in applied PCM with demonstrated knowledge of being able to work with project staff in ensuring lessons drawn out of this consultancy feed into an iterative process;
* Fluent in English, both reading and writing;
* Working experience in the region would be an added advantage;
How to apply
Send your CV and tentative quote and details of two references to the indicated address
Reference Code: RW_8A5GEX-21
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